V23 summary update: chapter 5

I was planning to make an IWCWT release this week, but part 3 is pretty long and certain unforseen circumstances left me without enough time to finish the translation in time. Someone at work asked me to take a night shift for them this week, which meant I had two night shifts just this week... and I am SOOOO not productive after a night shift. I had hopes that I might be able to finish the translation today, but I ended up spending most of the day responding to birthday messages and celebrating with my family, which basically left me with insufficient time to finish up the translation. As such, we're going for plan B: a return to Unital Ring summaries! I haven't touched these in a long while, so it's the perfect chance to finish them up. Since V21 came out just a couple of weeks ago, while I summarised v25 in a Wikia podcast recently to save myself the trouble of needing to rush a summary of the volume, I decided to return to v23 and finish off my detailed summaries in order, rather than doing some quick summary of v24 or v25.

V23 chapter 5 is a Sinon chapter about her time in the birdmen village and learning where she should head to regroup with her friends. We also learn how players can learn NPC languages in this chapter. This update is only worth like 4% of the entire story, so it's by no means long, but I hope you do enjoy it.

You can read the summary here.

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